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Prospective members

Commissioner for Admission to Professions

The Commissioner for Admission to Professions (formerly the Commissioner for complaints concerning mechanisms for the recognition of professional competence) receives and examines complaints concerning admission to a profession.

If you are still dissatisfied after the Order provides explanations or reviews its decision, you may contact the Commissioner for Admission to Professions:

By telephone

  • Montréal: 514 864-9744
  • Quebec City: 418 643-6912
  • Elsewhere in Quebec: 1 800 643-6912
  • Outside Quebec: + 1 514 864-9744

By mail or in person

500 René-Lévesque Blvd W, 6th floor, Suite 6.500
P.O. Box 40
Montréal, Quebec H2Z 1W7

The Commissioner for Admission to Professions, established by an Act of the Quebec National Assembly in December 2009, is tasked with receiving and examining complaints against professional orders concerning the operation of the mechanisms for recognition.

The Commissioner takes a critical, independent and impartial look at the situation of applicants trained outside Quebec, how the applicant’s file was handled by the Order that forms the subject of the complaint and the operation of the mechanism complained about.

After the Commissioner completes its examination of a complaint against a professional order, it issues findings and, if necessary, makes recommendations. Although the Commissioner for Admission to Professions cannot reverse a decision, the Commissioner can recommend that an applicant’s file be reviewed.