Permanent mobility
Full permit for Canadian lawyers
This type of permit can be issued to Canadian lawyers who wish to become members of the Barreau du Québec under the regulation respecting the legal authorizations to practice law outside Quebec giving access to the permit issued by the Barreau du Québec (Règlement sur les autorisations légales d’exercer la profession d’avocat hors du Québec qui donnent ouverture au permis du Barreau du Québec or “Regulation”).
To obtain a full permit, you must hold a legal authorization to practice law in another province or a territory of Canada.
Canadian lawyers covered by the Regulation become members of the Barreau du Québec. They have the same duties and obligations as other members of the Barreau du Québec: they must comply with the Code of Professional Conduct of Lawyers and hold professional liability insurance with coverage limited to $10 million.
Conditions to obtain a full permit under the Regulation
You must provide the following documents:
- the duly completed application for admission to the Barreau du Québec, which will be reviewed by the Committee for Access to the Profession after you pass the exams and your application for a permit is referred to the Board of Directors for a decision;
- the duly completed application for a permit under the Regulation;
- the duly completed application to register for the knowledge exams (you must register for the exam on legislation, regulations and ethical aspects of the practice of law in Quebec (Législation, réglementation et aspects déontologiques liés à l’exercice de la profession d’avocat au Québec));
- all documents that must be submitted with the application for admission (listed in schedules 1 and 2 to the application for admission), including proof of identity, Canadian police clearance and documents attesting to your knowledge of French;
- a certificate issued by a competent officer of a Canadian Bar, attesting that you are legally authorized to practice law and that you have not been disbarred or that your right to practice law has not been limited or suspended;
- your law degree(s);
- a CV; and
- proof that you have passed the following exams:
- the civil law I and related proceedings exam (Droit civil I et procédures afférentes), which may include topics such as persons, family (including matrimonial regimes and divorce) successions, property, obligations (including extracontractual civil liability) and the Consumer Protection Act;
- the civil law II and related proceedings exam (Droit civil II et procédures afférentes), which may include topics such as nominate contracts, evidence and procedure, business, prescription, prior claims and hypothecs, publication of rights and private international law; and
- the exam on legislation, regulations and ethical aspects of the practice of law in Quebec (Législation, réglementation et aspects déontologiques liés à l’exercice de la profession d’avocat au Québec);
- any other document that may be required.
If you are unable to take the exam, you can postpone it at no charge.
How to obtain a permit
Applications for a permit are reviewed by the Secretary of the Order, who ensures that the conditions for the issue of a permit are met. The Secretary acknowledges receipt of the permit application within 30 days and, if applicable, notifies the applicant of any missing documents. Once the application is complete, applicants must contact the École du Barreau to register for the knowledge exams of the Barreau du Québec and pay the applicable fees.
The Board of Directors of the Barreau du Québec then decides whether the applicant has met the condition of passing the knowledge exams of the Barreau du Québec and notifies the applicant of its decision by email within 30 days.
Once the Board of Directors decides that the applicant has met the condition, the application for admission to the Barreau du Québec is referred to the Committee for Access to the Profession, which, pursuant to section 45 of the Act respecting the Barreau du Québec, must examine whether the applicant has the moral character, conduct, skills, knowledge and qualifications required to practice the profession.
Upon receipt of the decision of the Committee for Access to the Profession declaring the applicant eligible to practice the profession, the Board of Directors issues a permit to the applicant.
If the Board of Directors decides that the applicant has not met the condition of passing the knowledge exams of the Barreau du Québec and refuses to issue a permit, it must notify the applicant of its refusal and the review procedure.

If they fail, applicants may view their exam and meet with a teacher if they still have questions.
Review of the decision of the Board of Directors
Applicants may request a review of the decision (in French only) of the Board of Directors by sending a written request for review to the Secretary of the Order within 30 days of receiving the decision.
The Secretary of the Order must notify applicants in writing of the date of the meeting at which their request for review will be considered by registered mail at least 15 days before the scheduled meeting.
Applicants who wish to make submissions in person must notify the Secretary of the Order in writing at least five days before the scheduled meeting. Applicants may also send written submissions at any time before the scheduled meeting.
The Review Committee must consider requests for review and render a written decision with reasons within 60 days of receiving the request for review.
The Committee’s decision is final and is emailed to the applicant within 30 days of the meeting at which it was rendered.
Once you have obtained your permit, you must take the steps outlined below to be entered on the Roll of the Order and to be able to practice law:
Annual membership dues
You must pay the full amount of the annual membership dues for the current year to be entered on the Roll of the Order.
Professional liability insurance
You must take out professional liability insurance for members of the Barreau du Québec.
You will be covered for $10 million.
Before being entered on the Roll of the Order, you must take an oath or pledge allegiance.
Administrative fees
The permit application fee is $243.
The fee for a request for review is $348.
The fees are payable online by credit card (Visa or MasterCard).
Once you are entered on the Roll of the Order, you must pay the annual membership dues.